Paperback, 95p, 22 x 16,5 cm, ISBN 9789461908179, partially English, partially Dutch
This publication is a result of the project TRACÉS – Analogieën en Dissonanten (TRACINGS – Analogies and dissonances), with contributions of experts of the disciplines which my project had to deal with:
Philosophers Dieter Roelstraete and Christophe Van Eecke, anthropologist Rik Pinxten and psychologist Ellen Reymers. Editor Hugo Durieux.
‘… The renewed interest in both things and thing theory in art and culture more generally is clearly informed, I believe, by something akin to ‘digital fatigue’: the more our lives appear under threat of dissolving into an ocean of zeroes and ones, the stronger our craving to be reminded of the irreducible materiality and physicality of our being-in-the-world. And this reminding the thing does better than anyone (i.e. any-thing) else. … It is this “social life” – along with Arvatov’s camaraderie, along with thingness itself – which Michels is after in her work. What things tell people, and what people tell things – these are the conversations overheard in the appositely titled TRACÉS (TRACINGS).’ (Dieter Roelstraete)
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Photos Bie Michels