Film, colour, French and Lingala spoken, French, English and Dutch subtitles
65 min, 16:9
At the centre of the film is Hana Kele (known as HanaKel on social media), an activist who champions the right to a female sexual identity. She is a key figure who breaks taboos and speaks openly on the subject, with sharp insights on the social role of women in Kinshasa.
Bandeko Basi reflects on various perspectives and experiences of female sexual identity. Through a wide range of everyday encounters and opinions, the discussion expands to include individuals of all gender identities who can make meaningful contributions to the conversation.
By focusing on the ordinary moments, the film stimulates a spontaneous discussion about gender and the status of women in Kinshasa. Gradually, an in-depth understanding of how postcolonial and cultural influences shape conceptions of sexual identity emerges. The dialogue between the filmmakers also underlines how their different social and postcolonial backgrounds help shape the documentary.
Paul Shemisi and Bie Michels chose a fluid camera style with an unforced rhythm, to capture the authenticity of conversations as naturally as possible. Bandeko Basi was created through spontaneous dialogues, allowing the film to develop in a sincere and collaborative manner.
Concept, direction and montage: Paul Shemisi and Bie Michels • main person: Hana Kele • translation: Paul Shemisi & Lou Michels (FR), Patrick Lennon (EN), Bie Michels (NL) • colour grading: Thijs Paijmans • audio mixing: Valentin Mazingarbe • graphic design: Samuel Allemand • distribution: PresentFuture, Argos • Produced by PresentFuture with support from the Flemish Community